Version 1.2.3 roshambo listing with link to; last rated 5 stars!
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Roshambo opening screen
Sometimes called "Stone, Paper, Scissors" or "Rock, Paper, Scissors," Roshambo is one of the oldest games there is. And now you can play it against your Palm or another Palm user!
You already know the rules: Stone crushes Scissors, Scissors cuts Paper, Paper wraps Stone.
Win!Draw.Too bad!
He only thinks he's clever
Well, now you can play on your palm!
Roshambo works with all Palms; it's been extensively tested both with real Palms and the Palm OS Emulator and its Gremlins.
All Palms (even the PalmPilot with 128K and PalmOS 1.0) can play Roshambo against a computer opponent with four strategies: Clever, which takes advantage of a purported human weakness; Human, which emulates this weakness; Stupid, which tries to lose to this weakness; and Random, which is (of course) purely random.
You can use Roshambo to make simple decisions without needing someone else around.
Play with a friend!
But where's the fun in beating the computer?
If your palm has an infrared port, Roshambo also lets you play against a human opponent via the IR beam.
You'll never have to argue again!
(Hey, you showed too late! We're supposed to show on "3!" What's that supposed to be, Scissors?)
You can settle disputes through a quick game of Roshambo. And 1.2.4 solves the bug where the game gets out of sync when both players try to transmit at the same time.
And if a single game just isn't enough, Roshambo keeps track of your statistics.
This might even give you useful information about your opponent that he doesn't
know, especially if he unconsciously favors one element.
Do you have a preference you weren't aware of? Find out!