Grinder fail! Of course, Nathan's description of throwing sparks everywhere just made me want to try it myself. Unfortunately, the reality was different. And at Toolbane, catastrophic.
Continue reading "Judebert's EV Conversion Diary: BrushWhacked, part 6"
Let's see now, where was I? Oh, right. Getting pwned by my electric car project.
So, thanks to measuring under different conditions than the expected operating conditions, my inch-thick solid aluminum bracket needed to be moved half an inch to the rear. We decided to drop the motor again, pull it out, and drill the holes a little to the front.
Constructive geometry to the rescue!
Update 2008-05-01: pictures
Continue reading "Judebert's EV Conversion Diary: BrushWhacked, part 5"
Okay, so I'm not good enough to make every word in the title alliterate. But Kayla's cast is off!
We had expected that she'd have some trouble walking, since she hasn't used her ankle muscles for six and a half weeks. But the doctor warned us that she might be limping for two months! It might even turn into a habit, in which case she'll need physical therapy.
She walked a few steps and announced that her ankle hurt. Tylenol for her tonight!
Released 2008-05-01: Sorry there are no pictures. If my wife ever uploads, I'll add them.
I never thought it would take two full weekends to finish this job. And it's going to take more, because we're still not done.
An evening call to Hi-Torque Electric (sorry to disturb you so late, Jim) verified that we can run the car with only three bolts holding on the brush endcap. And we set up a deal: I'm going to get one of Jim's variable timing brush rings. When it gets here, I can use all four bolts in the neutral holes and set the variable timing lever at the right place. Sw33t!
With that encouragement, we started reassembling the car. It was a thrill ride to disaster.Update 2005-05-01: pictures!
Continue reading "Judebert's EV Conversion Diary: BrushWhacked, part 4: Night of the Motor Mount"
What's wrong with this picture? This has been one of the most frustrating weeks of my life. I know I've got to get the car rolling, at least for a week or two, so the bigwigs at work don't think they've wasted their time and money putting in a charging space. I've got a plan to get Silent E back on his feet.
But I can't get anything done! All week we've had activities scheduled that get in the way.
Update 2008-05-01: embarrasing pictures.
Continue reading "Judebert's EV Conversion Diary: BrushWhacked, part 3"