I've now finished my Newsbox plugin for the Serendipity weblog engine. It's what's powering the box where you're reading this blurb right now.
I've never seen anything as easy to use as Serendipity. And the support is just awe-inspiring.
This MtG card editor looks awesome. With Google Image Search and my new Gimp skills, mayble I'll actually complete that Magic: the Thanksgiving set.
Adaptor Parts 10-23-05: We've finally got all the parts (even after we received the adapter, there was trouble with the transmission). Assembly is ready to begin. But it's been so long, will we even be able to put the EV together?
Continue reading "Judebert's EV Conversion Diary: Finally, an Adapter"
I'm trying out [s9y-tooltips You know, tooltips.
The things with bubbles.]those things that give you a bubble when you hover on them.[/s9y-tooltips] Maybe I'll try other things here, as well. Nathan: use this -
I made a schematic for Silent E. It's included here in multiple formats. I intend to keep it up to date. Feel free to make suggestions.
Continue reading "Judebert's EV Conversion Diary: Schematic"