Kayla with Cinnamon and Sundae

Okay, they're not so bad. Of course, their exercise cage has taken over my living room. And they leave pellets all over the place. And they use up all the towels. And there's Timothy hay all over my dining room table.

But really, they are very cute. And that noise they make when they're happy is very endearing.


Here's more of Kayla with the guinea pigs, and a close-up or two.

Sugar is, by far, the more active of the two. When we got her home, she was running all over her box; later she was running all over the cage. I sometimes worry that she dominates Cinnamon so much it's going to stress the poor thing out.


We got some stuff before we got the guinea pigs. Like this unusual little structure. They can climb on it, hide under it, or eat it. Apparently, these are all things guinea pigs like to do.


Naturally we had to playtest it first. We even considered leaving the plastic hippo as a roommate, but we figured that eating plastic might not be conducive to a guinea pig's health. And yes, they can eat the house, too.


In fact, it's Cinnamon's favorite place. Here's a photo of her peeking out the door.

Sundae likes to run around it and hide between the round house and the corner of the cage. Not the most secure spot in the world, but I suppose guinea pigs can have personal preferences, too.

I'm also pleased to report that, unlike the rodents my sister had as a child, guinea pigs have no strong odor. I can't even detect an odor at all, although my nose isn't the most sensitive. Note that this in no way indicates that I forgive my wife for allowing rodents into the house. ;-)